Argentinian art
A vast panorama of Argentinean art, including works by its greatest representatives
Browse collection ›IM Heung-soon (South Korea) - Hugo Aveta (Argentina)
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From May 30, 2017 to July 9, 2017
Tuesday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Segundo piso. Exposiciones temporarias
Curator: Adriana Jungyoun Sung
The Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, in cooperation with Korea Arts Management Service (KAMS) and the Centro Cultural Coreano in Argentina, presents an exhibition that is the product of an artistic and cultural exchange between the two countries. Curated by Adriana Jungyoun Sung, Hugo Aveta's photographs and video establish a dialogue with the video installations of IM Heung-soon, connecting esthetic propositions that grapple with common issues.
Aveta and Heung-soon propose taking another look at the remains which human catastrophe presents as civilization's other face. Whether it be by reconstructing sites of memory for those that have suffering vital loss through violence, or by recording the disappearance of an ancestral culture under its buffeting by a crass modernization, the call history addresses to the present provides a tension these two world visions share though they are at cultural and geographical antipodes. The theme of both these artists is suffering postulated as the core of the human condition. Thus, the work as testimony to a pain that can no longer be perceived except through its traces. If there is any sense to it, it takes on life only after the tragedy, in the form of a questioning over ruins. The ruin is a sort of scar in culture, in the life of persons: it speaks for what no longer exists. Art has the power – and perhaps the duty – to take stock of situations in which death and pain are the sign of evolution, with the hope that the lucid and original view of artists contributes to illuminating the questions that bring some sort of redemption.
Andrés Duprat
DirectorMuseo Nacional de Bellas Artes
A vast panorama of Argentinean art, including works by its greatest representatives
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